Monday, November 23, 2015

Nutrition--photo updates

I am going to give a BIG confession here. Before Isagenix, I would eat pretty good all day and then totally cave at night. I wondered why I wasn't having success with my program. 

I also thought I would never, ever, ever get to what would be my perfect body because that certainly only happens to super models and people who are deprived and never indulge. 

I'm not to my perfect body, I may not get there without some plastic surgery because gravity and gaining and losing 65+ lbs after 5 kids, is tough on a body. I will tell you, that I'm closer than I've ever been in 15 years. 

What is the difference? 

I'm free from my sugar and soda addictions. That is it. It's that simple.,and it's not that I never indulge, BUT, because I don't have to indulge as often because my body has been released from those cravings. It's a nice place to be. It's also super nice to see the results I've been wanting. Yes, I'm still on my way there, but I'm happy about what I see. 

All the fitness mags are right. It's about nutrition. None of us eat 100% Perfect every day. But having shakes ensures that my body is getting everything it needs throughout the day in terms of fuel . I eat healthy snacks, and I feed my family a nutritious balanced meal. I love love love this lifestyle I've found. It makes me incredibly happy! 

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